Britainlearning is the blog that we share the information about studying a Master’s degree in UK.


Me, Chalisa Supawimon

& Nathatai Jungthaweesil

Almost every summer, we always take a short English course at UK.

The country is very fascinating us. There are so many places that have story behind and full of different cultures that are very interesting.

When we were living in the UK, we met a lot of people from many nationalities. We shared the background and culture. UK gave us a priceless experience; we can see the world in different perspectives. It suits to our lifestyle as UK gave the freedom to be creative, develop skills and our confidence.

We think UK is the great place to develop language skills and enhance our abilities.

It is a first choice for us to study a Master’s degree.

So we decided to create this blog in order to share the information that you may need to know before go to study Master’s degree in the UK and some experiences from students who currently study in UK.

If you have a question about studying in the UK, you can ask us.

We'll offer essential information for you.

Hope you guys get some knowledge and enjoy our blog :)